Simple basic HelloWorld JAVA Program code to print "Hello World"

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Today, I am going to write a simple basic HelloWorld Program code in java. It is the most simplest program. It will just display a message like "Hello World" on the command screen after execution.

Let me first tell you about the default package. In java there is a default package named as java.lang.  & can be imported by this code import java.lang. . This package is default and it is included automatically by default even if you do not declare it in the code.

Now, Let us code the program :-

import java.lang.*; // default package 

class HelloWorld
   public static void main(String ar[])
     System.out.println("Hello World");


How to execute the program ?

  1. Save as: E:\
  2. Open cmd: Run -> cmd
  3. Compile: E:\> javac
  4. Execute (interpreter): E:\> java HelloWorld


[alert-announce]Hello World[/alert-announce]


Journey of a Java program from Source code to Output

I have given a flow chart of java program below. It is actually the flow of execution of program including compilation and interpretation. It will help you understand that how we get output finally from initial source code.

Source code [] ---> javac [Compiler] ---> Byte code [HelloWorld.class] ---> java [Interpreter] ---> [Output]

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I create advanced website builders made exclusively for web developers.


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Dave Austin 1 day ago

As a Special Education teacher this resonates so well with me. Fighting with gen ed teachers to flatten for the students with learning disabilities. It also confirms some things for me in my writing.

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Hanna Wolfe 1 day ago

Love it Dave! We're all about keeping it up.

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Maria Muszynska 2 days ago

Since our attention spans seem to be shrinking by the day — keeping it simple is more important than ever.


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