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About Search Engine Optimization

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Search Engine Optimization FAQs

  • What is SEO?

    SEO is abbreviated as "search engine optimization" and it's one of the most important parts of your overall online strategy. It’s all about improving your online stand by achieving higher ranks on Google search results and attract some quality organic traffic. There are numerous SEO services you can opt for boosting your online presence. Strategies such as On-Page SEO which consists of keyword research, meta details, tags, etc are a part, Off-Page SEO is another part which includes, quality content and various promotions strategies along with link building are a major part, and technical improvements to help your site achieve more prominence in search results such as speed, user experience, etc.

  • Why are keywords important?

    Keywords are an essential part of your search engine optimization. That’s because keywords in content tell Google and other search engines that your content is relevant to particular search intent. That relevance helps search engines to show your content to the right people at the right time. This is why it’s so important to do keyword research for both SEO and content marketing. If you’re not sure where to start, hire a professional SEO expert to find the keywords you need.

  • How can SEO help my business?

    These days, no business can afford to ignore search engine optimization. SEO should play a part in your online marketing strategy as it helps people to find you online. Over time that leads to more organic search traffic, and more leads and sales. Without SEO, it’s much harder for Google to know when your content is relevant to what potential customers are searching for, and show it to the right people at the right time. If search engines ignore your business, that results in less traffic and fewer leads.

  • What’s the difference between on-site and off-site SEO?

    On-site SEO and off-site SEO are also known as on-page SEO and off-page SEO. On-site SEO is about making improvements on your site, for example by optimizing your pages content quality and meta tags around particular researched keywords. It also includes technical fixes to your site. Off-site SEO is about improving the perception of your website and business by building links, enhancing online authority and gathering social media signals via shared content. Any successful SEO strategy needs both on-site and off-site SEO.

  • Why is technical SEO important?

    While it’s important to write quality content for human readers, you also need to give search engines the possibility to properly crawl and index it. That’s where technical SEO comes in as every page indexed enables your website to rank for the researched keywords contained on those pages, which means an additional point of entry therefore more traffic. Technical SEO includes a broad range of subjects, this is why it's better to perform periodical website SEO audits to make sure it is fully optimized for search engines as well.

  • How exactly does SEO work?

    To understand how SEO works, you need to understand how Google works. Google finds and catalogs online content in a huge database. It analyzes the content quality, using a number of signals, to work out which web pages are relevant to which searches. Then when people type in a phrase, Google shows them the most relevant results. Using SEO helps you improve how Google sees your content so it shows up for the right searches.