What are Variables, Constants, Identifiers & Data Types (in JAVA) ?

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Today I am going to discuss Variables and Constants here w.r.t JAVA. Please note that the definition of Variables and Constants is same for all languages so, whatever I tell here is not just limited to JAVA i.e you can apply it in any language the only syntax will change.

Let me start with Variables.


What are Variables?

It is a name given to a memory location where value can be out. A variable can hold only a single value at a time.


data_type variable_name;

int a;
float b;
char c;

Value of a variable can change during execution of the program.


What are Constants?

Its value never changes during execution of the program.

to define a constant final keyword is used


final int A = a;

NOTE: A is a constant and it must be uppercase.


What are Identifiers?

It is a name given to a variable or constant or method or class.

Rules for Identifiers:-

  1. It can be a combination of alphabets (a-z, A-Z) or digits (0-9) and a special character '_'.
  2. Identifier name can begin with either alphabet of underscore only.
  3. space should not be given in identifier.


Identifier Comment
a_b_c correct
abc correct
Abc correct
2abc wrong
@ab wrong
a b c wrong
a2b correct
a_2b correct


What is Data Types?

It specifies the type of data to be stored in a variable.

Data Types can be Predefined (or Library or Primitive) and User defined

Data Type Comment
byte 1 byte
char 2 bytes
int 4 bytes
float 4 bytes
double 8 bytes


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Hanna Wolfe 1 day ago

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Maria Muszynska 2 days ago

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