Introduction to JAVA (Basics & Features of JAVA)
erbhaveshkumar123 April 23, 2017

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What is JAVA?

JAVA is a widely used programming language. It is a computing platform 1st released in 1995 by SUN Microsystems.

Many applications and websites are powered by JAVA which can not run until JAVA is installed.

JAVA is secure, reliable and at the same time, it is fast too.

You will be surprised to know that JAVA is everywhere and we can not even imagine the world without JAVA.
Do you know JAVA is there in Laptops to Data Centers, Games to Scientific Super Computers and Cell Phones to Internet etc.

JAVA is categorized into two types based on it's uses as following :-

1. Application Based 2. Web Based
Core J2EE (Servlet, JSP)


Features of JAVA

  1. OOPs
  2. Portability
  3. Multi threading (multiprocessing)
  4. GUI
  5. Security
  6. Platform Independent
  7. Web based
  8. Database Connectivity
  9. Exception Handling

The main difference between JAVA and C is that in JAVA there is provision for security of data whereas in C you can not ensure security of data because data is global in C i.e accessible from every where by everyone. In JAVA, there are some ways to make your data safe or private i.e prevent any unauthorized entity to access your data.

In JAVA, when ever you compile your source file (.java). Compiler process it and generates Byte code (.class). This Byte code is not editable or understandable by normal human but at the same time it is executable i.e you can share your Byte code with anyone without giving them the original source code. Using Byte code any one will be able to execute the code i.e run the program but not able to reveal the source code.


Difference between JAVA and C++

Database supported No Database
Byte code supported No Byte code
Multi threading supported No Multi threading
Web based No Web based
Compiler & Interpreter both Compiler only
No Pointer Pointer
Packages Header files


There are three terms associated with JAVA which often confuses students and those three terms are nothing but JVM, JRE and JDK. I will be posting a separate article on these three terms and will update the link to that article here later.

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Dave Austin 1 day ago

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Hanna Wolfe 1 day ago

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Maria Muszynska 2 days ago

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